- How To Stage Your Home To Sell Quickly

So, the time has come for you to relocate.  You need to sell your current home as quickly as possible so you can turn your attention to that new home you have your eye on. In April of this year in the United States 3.87 million homes were for sale on the market; that’s 3.87 homeowners trying to sell their homes as quickly as possible and all are asking, “what can I do to make this sell faster?”  As the country slowly rises out of the recession real estate is making a comeback but still it is a buyer’s market.  Many homes stay on the market for six, seven, eight months or longer as buyers have an abundance of choices and seem to be in no hurry to purchase.

So what can a homeowner do to make his/her house more attractive to prospective buyers? One of the easiest and time-tested things to do is staging.  Basically, staging means to present your home in the best way possible so that it will be attractive to the majority of buyers.  There are some very basic steps that should be taken by any seller before listing their property; these steps include:

  • First and foremost, clean your home. This may seem obvious but it’s amazing how many people don’t mop the floors, don’t dust, and don’t clean the windows inside and out.  Your home must be immaculate to make a good first impression.
  • Pick up around the house. Nobody likes clutter, especially a home-buyer.
  • Fix the little things.  A leaky faucet, a hole in the wall where a pictures once hung, frayed edges on a carpet, they all add up to a poor impression.
  • Paint the interior neutral colors.  You may like a pink livingroom but few buyers will.  In terms of selling a house, NEUTRAL IS GOOD!
  • Give your home some curb appeal.  You can lose a possible sale as soon as the prospective buyer walks up your driveway if things look boring.  Put some plants in pots, trim the hedges, give the place some pizzazz.
  • Leave the lights on; you want your home to appear cheery and welcoming, not gloomy and unapproachable.
  • Polish the kitchen!  Make it sparkle and get rid of any nasty odors while you are at it. Nothing turns off the future woman of the house quicker than a smelly, stained kitchen.
  • One word about the bathroom: get rid of mildew and/or mold.  And while you are at it, put your toothpaste in the cabinet.
  • And finally, go over this list again.  Your home should be a showcase, attractive to the vast number of potential buyers. Empty wastebaskets, take the garbage out, get rid of the threadbare area rugs, clean the carpet, and…..well, you get the picture.

The truth is that the average home buyer rarely gets everything on their wish list.  We all make compromises when buying, a little give and take if you will.  But there is no way your home will sell if it looks like you aren’t interested in selling it.  Ask some friends for suggestions on how to spruce the place up.  If you can afford it hire a cleaning crew to deep-clean your home.  Make your home a showplace and good things will happen!

For more ideas and suggestions give us a call at Sports and we’ll be glad to answer your questions.  We are in the relocation business and real estate is our bread and butter.

By Ikem Chukumerije

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