Athlete Relocation - NFL Teams Trim Rosters to 53 Players

Athlete Relocation - NFL Teams Trim Rosters to 53 Players

athlete relocation 32 NFL teams made their final cuts recently, trimming their rosters to an Opening Day number of 53 players.  That means at least twenty players on each team were cut, 53 players now know where they will be playing this season, and athlete relocation begins for a great many players.

When professional athlete relocation occurs the pros at Sports Relocation spring into action.  It is our job to make sure that athletes settle into their new cities, that all of their possessions are moved, that their vehicles are transported and that they find suitable short-term and long-term housing, and we take our job seriously.

We know how difficult pro athlete relocation can be because we have been the go-to solution for quite some time now.  We handle relocation problems so that the athletes only have to concentrate on being the best athletes they can be.

Some of the surprise cuts that occurred were:

  • Greg McElroy, Quarterback, New York Jets
  • Jeff Adams, Offensive Tackle, Miami Dolphins
  • Matt Leinart, Quarterback, Buffalo Bills
  • Tim Tebow, Quarterback, New England Patriots
  • Caleb Hanie, Quarterback, Baltimore Ravens
  • Braxton Cave, Offensive Lineman, Cleveland Browns
  • Jonanthan Dwyer, Running Back, Pittsburg Steelers
  • Keith Browner, Defensive End, Texans
  • Daniel Adongo, Outside Linebacker, Baltimore Colts

And many, many more!  Of course, this does not mean the season is over for those cut. Now we will see teams taking a look at the long list of cut players and determining if any would be a good fit for their teams, meaning that more transactions will be happening very soon.  The jockeying will continue right up to the date of the first regular season game, and as injuries occur more transactions can be expected.

In other words, the life of a professional athlete never seems to be a stable one.  Athlete relocation is a reality throughout the season, and that is why so many athletes turn to Sports Relocation to handle their relocation needs.

Give us a call….Sports Relocation...the leaders in pro athlete relocation….the professionals in finding pro athlete homes, in moving pro athlete possessions, in making the lives of pro athletes simpler and worry-free.